Friday, March 26, 2010

109'ers Blog Conversations

Ms Parkhill and the staff at Washington School have created blog spots where students will submit comments about various activities, topics, and ideas presented in our classes. Of course, we have agreed to our internet safety guidelines and understand that we are ready to blog appropriately! Have fun, be throughtful, and safe.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Podcasting Book Reviews with Images

We reviewed our latest book chat novels using our own illustrations and pocasting skills. Enjoy!

Monday, March 22, 2010

mental warm up

FInally... it works!
We LOVE to dance and our teachers LOVE to dance, even more. When we are feeeling like our brain synapses need a zap, we mental warm up. Thanks to our good friends over at in Mr. Phipps' third grade class, we are able to enjoy dance offs when we need a zap!
Watch and feel free to join us by dancing in your living rooms at home!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Podcasting Book Reviews

We have been reading excellent novels in our Book Chat time. We used our art skills and time to provide an illustrated book summary of our last three chapters. We are using these pictures to create a mind movie where we simply tell what happened in our story. Summary at its greatest.
The week before, we just used our lovely voices to summarize. Compare the two and see which you enjoy more.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Colonial Jobs Day.

We have been studying the 13 colonies and are about ready for our Common Assessment. In order to understand and "live" the colonies, we worked with Ms G to come up with a colonial job fair day. We had a blast dressing up and presenting the occupations of colonial times- Innkeepers, Blacksmiths, Silversmiths, Teachers, Doctors, Printers, and Wigmakers.

Book Chat Reviews: Commercial Style

One of our last rounds of book chat books allowed us to create persuasive book reviews using technology. We had a great time making commericals about each of our books. Enjoy!


Welocme to Learnin' It, Bloggin' It, and Showin' It- 109 Style

We are a classroom of fifth grade students who love to learn and use technology. This is our blog and we welcome you to it. Come often and check out what we have been up to throughout our days.