Thursday, April 22, 2010

What Type of Animal is This?

Today we celebrated Earth Day. We saw the movie, Oceans, and we then cleaned the park and enjoyed a glorious day outside in the fresh air. The bunnies were at the park, too. When we returned to school, we decided to take the animals we learned about and create a inferring game for our sister class in Chicago, where Mr. Phipps' third graders will use our movies. They will practice inferring and taking what they have been studying about animals to get their answers. We can't wait to share and hear what they have to say.

What Type of Animal is This?

Today we celebrated Earth Day. We saw the movie, Oceans, and we then cleaned the park and enjoyed a glorious day outside in the fresh air. The bunnies were at the park, too. When we returned to school, we decided to take the animals we learned about and create a inferring game for our sister class in Chicago, where Mr. Phipps' third graders will use our movies. They will practice inferring and taking what they have been studying about animals to get their answers. We can't wait to share and hear what they have to say.

What Type of Animal is This?

Today we celebrated Earth Day. We saw the movie, Oceans, and we then cleaned the park and enjoyed a glorious day outside in the fresh air. The bunnies were at the park, too. When we returned to school, we decided to take the animals we learned about and create a inferring game for our sister class in Chicago, where Mr. Phipps' third graders will use our movies. They will practice inferring and taking what they have been studying about animals to get their answers. We can't wait to share and hear what they have to say.

What Type of Animal is This?

Today we celebrated Earth Day. We saw the movie, Oceans, and we then cleaned the park and enjoyed a glorious day outside in the fresh air. The bunnies were at the park, too. When we returned to school, we decided to take the animals we learned about and create a inferring game for our sister class in Chicago, where Mr. Phipps' third graders will use our movies. They will practice inferring and taking what they have been studying about animals to get their answers. We can't wait to share and hear what they have to say.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blog It- Math Style!

We have been using our class blog interacting with one another, commenting, posting, and simply communicating in a digital way. This past week, we have been working hard on fractions and being able to add them when they have different denominators. We have been learning how to reduce. Check out our blog to hear and see the kids explaining and designing their own math problems. Fun stuff to check out. Click below for a sample.


The garden, through is now fully funded! This is fantastic and we are super duper excited. Thanks for all the donations, world!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Donors Choose: Recession Gardening

We are currently studying the Great Depression and its effects on families living in America during that time. As a direct way to become the solution in difficult times all students, in Room 109 are encouraged to sign up for the last round of after school programs and be a part of the Gardening Club. We will be creating an edible garden to fight today's present economic times. We will be monitoring the website for our Project entitled, "Yes We Can: A Community Recession Garden Project". It is here that we have asked the world outside our window to provide materials and seeds for our upcoming project. Keep your fingers crossed (just one, I hear) and spread the word and seek donations, kids!